Read More“私、こんなミスしちゃったんだよ〜!”とある人に自分の失敗談を話しました,とします。素直な人で同じようなミスをした人はこう答えました。“え〜!それ私もしちゃったんだよ。”ところが素直でない人はその事を言わず、ただただ私のしたミスの事を聞きます。
Read More“I made such a mistake!” Let’s say a person told you his failure story. If you are an honest person, you will answer “Ah, I made the same mistake too.” But if you are a dishonest person, you will hide your mistake
Read MoreHow much do you have in your mind that is not necessary to carry on in everyday life? For example, if some unpleasant thing happened, how many days do you carry this unpleasant feeling?
Read Moreこのブログを始めてから何人かの人に“勇気があるね”、言われました。乳がんの事とか、宇宙の体験とかを読まれて。そう言われてこれって勇気なんだって思いました。実は私は勇気を持って何かをするということが現在ありません。
Read MoreSome people told me after reading my blogs, “You are brave”. Especially after reading blogs of my story of cancer and my soliloquy. I recalled what courage was by hearing people’s comments.
Read MoreHow do we live as is? What is it to accept as is? I decided to write about it as there may be some people who don’t know what this mean.
Read More“Cosmic Arutへの旅” DVD &作品集 が販売されます。Ikuko Gach & Aiko Miyazaki 各20作品計40作品を音楽とともにお届けします。詳しい情報はwww.intuitionarut.com まで(予約受付中)。尚日本以外に在住の方はIkuko Gachまでメールでお問い合わせください。
“Journey to Cosmic Arut” DVD & The exhibition booklet is available for pre-order. It is an art collaboration of Ikuko Gach & Aiko Miyazaki - a total of 40 paintings, with music done by Ikuko. For more information please visit www.intuitionarut.com.
For those who live outside of Japan, please contact Ikuko by email.
There are two different kind of endurances. Do you know the difference?
Read MoreHFさん (08-24-2020)
このブログ(こだわりの話し)がアップした頃、まさにボクはイライラして朝まで眠れない時だった。仕事場のスタッフ(僕より年配) の人が、知ったかぶり、素直じゃない、空気よめない人。オマケにええかっこしーの性格。
Read MoreHF (08-24-2020)
Around the time of “Story of Letting Go” was uploaded, I was annoyed by someone and could not sleep till morning. This someone was one of our staff at work (older than me). He pretends to know everything, not honest, neither can he read the situation.
Read Moreもう随分昔の話しですがこんな体験をしました。ある女性の話です。彼女は何というのでしょうか、見えない物が見えたり、感じたりする人で沢山の人達が彼女の周りに集まっていました。
Read MoreA long time ago, I had the following experience. This is about a woman, how can I say, she was able to see things that we could not see and feel things we could not feel.
Read Moreある人と話していて“これを書こう”とふと思いました。
私たちは目で見る範囲が限られていますよね。自分の姿だって鏡でしか見れません。横から見たらどう見えているのか?後ろ姿はどうなんだろう?周りの人にはそれが見えます、でも周りの彼ら達は 自身の姿見ることが出来ません。
Read MoreI thought I should write this after talking to a person. We have a limit of what we can see through our eyes. We can only see ourselves through a mirror. How do I look from the side or back? People around us can see that, but they cannot see themselves.
Read MoreIt is very sad to loose someone in your family and friends. The passage of time is the only way to lessen your sorrow. Sometimes it takes many years. We are humans, that can’t be helped.
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